Charles de Gaulle to Epernay

How To Get from Charles de Gaulle to Epernay

Travelling from Charles de Gaulle to Epernay? Known the around the world as the principle ‘entrepot’ for champagne, Epernay is surrounded by vineyards and borders the Marne river.

The thriving champagne industry brings many interesting and uniques features to the commune, including deep wine cellars built into the chalk rock upon which the town sits and streets full of champagne manufacturers.

In addition to the champagne industry, Epernay has a very long and distinguished history and can be traced back to the 5th century.

The old town is adorned with narrow, irregular streets and a 16th century church can be found with stained glass windows.

Epernay attracts visitors and business people from all across the world to sample its fine wares and many use Paris’ main airport, Charles de Gaulle (CDG), located 132 km to the South West of the commune.

Opened in 1974, Charles de Gaulle has expanded and grown to be the busiest airport in France and one of the busiest airports in Europe. Over 200000 passengers can pass through its doors each day.

To cope with the sheer volume of passengers, CDG is spread over 3 seperate terminal sites, 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Terminal 2 is further divided to form 7 sub-terminals, all of which operate independently.

The public transport connections have also expanded with the airport, the A1 motorway passes by and a train station can be found underneath terminal 2E/F and many Parisian bus services stop at the airport.

The airport continue to grow, particularly as the main hub for Air France and as a secondary hub for easyJet, Delta and Transavia. With the scale of people movements and distances required for onward travel connections, careful planning should be put into your journey from CDG to Epernay.

Private Taxi from Charles de Gaulle to Epernay

A private taxi is often the shortest and definitely the most direct option for travel between Charles de Gaulle to Epernay. T2 Transfer provide a very convenient and easy option for navigating the journey.

Starting at the airport the T2 Transfer driver will meet you in the arrivals area of your respective terminal, clearly identifying themselves by holding a placard stating your name.

They will take you through the very busy CDG arrivals area to your waiting car. T2 Transfer operate a fleet of brand new luxury vehicles, so for the 1 hour 30 minute journey you will be in comfort.

Your journey is private, there is no sharing with other passengers. If you are travelling with children you can have age appropriate car seats fitted free of charge.

You will be taken to directly where you need to go in Epernay, door to door from the airport, which you don’t get on other options.

If you have any questions on the journey, your professional and fully licensed driver will be happy to answer them in French or English. If you have any questions in the interim you can contact T2 Transfer customer services online 24/7.

There are no cancellation charges with this service and you are able to pay for your journey in either Euros, Dollars or Pounds.

Taxi Prices From Charles de Gaulle to Epernay

  • 1-3 passengers – € 320
  • 4 passengers – € 330
  • 5 passengers – € 340
  • 6 passengers – € 350
  • 7 passengers – € 360
  • 8 passengers – € 380

Reservation Form – Book Taxi With T2 Transfer


Free Baby Seats/Booster Seats! Luggage Free of charge! Price includes Tax charges!

Transfers from CDG to Epernay by Train

There are different train options from CDG to Epernay, however the most straightforward and easiest uses the intercity trains from Charles de Gaulle and avoids routing through central Paris.

The first train to Epernay from CDG departs at 0523 and the last departs at 2029. All services recommended go from CDG to Champagne Ardenne on TGV.

You then change to the TER service from Champagne Ardenne to Reims Maison Blanche. The final leg is then from Reims Maison Blanche to Epernay on another TER service.

Duration: 1 hr 21 minutes (1 train a day only this short) to 2 hr 13 minutes.

Cost: Adult single ticket varies between €23 and €125 dependent on the time of day and class.

Transfer from Charles de Gaulle Airport to Epernay By Bus

There is one recognised bus option for travel between Charles de Gaulle airport to Epernay, however it is extremely long, has a 2 hour stopover in Reims before catching a regional train and is not recommended.

The journey starts on the FLiXBUS from Charles de Gaulle to Reims train station at 1040 each morning. You then wait 2 hours to catch the OUiSNCF from Reims station to Epernay station, arriving at 1624.

Duration: 5 hr 44 minutes

Cost: Adult single ticket is €19.29.